Horror : The perfection
In 'The perfection', writer/director Richard Shepard uses a non linear narrative to capture the twisted journey of characters Charlotte and Elizabeth. These women share the same traumatic past at Bachoff Academy of music, the experiences occur when they are children however this isn't unfolded until the end of the film. This horror is filmed in such a way that as soon as you begin to believe that you understand whats going on, the plot changes completely. A key scene that we see this happens in is the one pictured above. To begin with it is shown the way Elizabeth sees it, the camera tracks along following the two, including the audience in the journey to find Elizabeth a hospital. However the film suddenly reverses in time, throwing the audience off the original plot and leading to much confusion. The film then shows the same time frame from the perspective of Charlotte, this reveals to the audience that Elizabeth was never ill and Charlotte had driven her to believe she was.
An issue i find with this style of film is that having a confusing story, along side detailed character backgrounds, cut together in the wrong order, makes for a film that is actually quite difficult to watch. However, the aspect of suspense created by the films editing is exactly the reason i had to continue watching to the end, the fast scenes and limited dialogue keeps the audiences attention as you have to pay complete attention to understand the plot.